Houghton County Road Commission
We have 20 sander/plow trucks used year around for hauling/plowing which cost approximately $467,000 each at today’s cost.

Attention Property Owners

Act 51, Public Acts of 1951, provides for a county road commission to establish a seasonal road system which would not be provided with winter maintenance activity in the months of November, through April.

The seasonal road system was established in order to preserve financial resources for winter maintenance on roads, which genuinely serve the needs of permanent residents of Houghton County.

Roads which are placed on this system usually have one or more of the following conditions:

1. Questionable jurisdiction,
2. Little or no vehicle traffic during the winter months,
3. No permanent residences,
4. Grade variations, concealed obstructions, poor road alignment and poor topographical characteristics which would damage road commission equipment if serviced.

A map showing the seasonal road system in Houghton County is available for inspection at the office in Ripley or by clicking here.

Also available, are the complete applicable laws with Michigan Department of Transportation rules and the process for changing a road to all season status if someone would desire to establish a permanent residence on one of these roads.