Houghton County Road Commission
We have 20 sander/plow trucks
used year around for hauling/plowing which cost approximately
$467,000 each at today’s cost.
While the yearly 200 - 300 inches of snow is an asset to recreation in our county, the maintaining of the roads in rural areas proves to be a tremendous challenge and responsibility for the Houghton County Road Commission.
The highest priority road maintenance activity in Houghton County is plowing and sanding during the winter months and only after a winter season has ended, can a realistic summer work program be implemented.
Road plowing and sanding priorities are generally performed in descending order of the legal system of roads, being county primary roads first, with county local access roads after that.
High traffic counts and school bus routes generally are emphasized also.
For anyone interested in the details of Houghton County's winter maintenance policy and individual route schedules, please contact the Houghton County Road Commission office in Ripley.
Click Here to see the HCRC Winter Maintenance Policy
For obvious reasons, there have been parking restrictions formulated jointly by the Michigan State Police, Michigan Department of Transportation, and the Houghton County Road Commission which states:
There shall be no parking on either the roadway or shoulder of any
highway or county road outside of incorporated cities and villages
between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. (local time) from November 1 of
any year through April 15 of the succeeding year.
The Houghton County
Board of Road Commissioners welcomes you to our winter wonderland and
urges everyone to drive with care when enjoying our county road system.