Houghton County Road Commission
The Houghton County Road Commission was born on April 4, 1910 as the county electorate voted 7,100 for and 989 against a Good Roads System.

Seasonal Road Policy

Information specifically for
Houghton County property owners
with seasonal road access.

5-Year Road Construction Program

Scheduled road construction projects in the County for the next five years. Schedule subject to change.

The Houghton County Road Commission is dedicated to providing a county road system that is safe and convenient for public travel while practicing sound financial management, respect for the environment, and sensitivity to community concerns.

A Brief History of the Houghton County Road Commission

The Houghton County Road Commission opens US-41 about 1-1/2 miles from Delaware on December 13, 1927.

Chrysler automobiles (200) were salvaged from the shipwreck “City of Bangor” and were driven to Calumet.